Stain Protection and the Lotus Effect
By |Categories: Tips|Last Updated: March 24, 2025|

The “Lotus Effect” is a term that explains the hydrophobic properties of the Lotus plant, which – to put it as simply as we can – means that the plant repels water (and many other substances) instead of absorbing it. Water droplets glide over the surface without leaving a trace, while simultaneously taking dirt particles with them. This natural self-cleaning effect of the lotus plant has contributed, in part, to the magnificent plant’s vital role in many religions and cultures.

You might be wondering what this has to do with fabric finishing… As has long been the case, man was inspired by a natural occurance, and spent the past 30+ years developing technology to make self-cleaning, soil and water repellent textiles.

SBI has been refining our fabric finishing and treatment technologies for the past 42 years, testing every fabric that comes off the line. Our Defend-All Series Stain Protection replicates the self-cleaning, soil and water repellent properties of the lotus plant, which increases the lifespan of fabrics tremendously. By blending the natural wonders of the world with modern technology and 42 years of experience – having treated more fabrics than any finishing operation in the country – SBI proudly provides our customers with the best water and stain protection money can buy!

This video illustrates the “lotus effect” by showing how water droplets travel across a fabric treated with our Defend-All™️ Stain Protection. 

Our Defend-All™️ Stain Protection guards against water and oil-based stains and every day spills. This formula significantly increases the fabric’s double rubs, while extending the life and luster of your fabricThis exclusive solution will leave you with peace of mind knowing that your fabrics have maximum protection.

Do you have a fabric finishing need but aren’t sure where to start? We would be happy to advise what is normally specified and recommended given your situation. Simply email our team at or call us at 903-675-1440! To place an order, you can email or submit an order online by clicking here.

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  1. Christina Oliver July 6, 2021 at 6:33 pm - Reply

    Can fabric that is partially Viscose be treated with this stain treatment? I have some fabrics 52% linen, 37% Viscose, 9 % cotton that I’d like to have treated.